
Organic Lovely Bunch trees in upstate new york and vermont


Our Mission

We work with agriculturalists committed to restoring degraded farmland with carbon-sequestering crops. We seek thoughtful farmers who make ecologically focused decisions on what to grow and how to grow it.

Lovely Bunch is built on the idea that creating tasty food and drinks from real, whole, and simple ingredients can be good for both you and the planet!


Apple Juice

In order to create the best tasting apple juice we could, we searched for unique heirloom apple varieties to create a more floral, sweet, and sour apple juice. We think it’s the most delicious apple juice you will ever taste and can’t wait for it to transport you to the orchard. Lovely Bunch’s goal is to support farmers working with sustainable practices. A big part of this is to support sustainable agro-forestry and orchard crops!



Organic Lovely Bunch apples grown in upstate new york and vermont


Why regenerative and sustainable crops? 

We source from carbon sequestering and water resilient crops from farmers committed to land stewardship

•  Creates bio-diversity, increases soil health, sequesters carbon, improves watershed health

•  Leads to healthier, stronger, disease resistant, more nutrient dense, and tastier crops

•  Perennial crops as reforestation are an evidence based natural solution to climate change

•  By creating value added products utilizing sustainably sourced fruits, we are able to support and incentivize farmers to further practice and restore degraded farmland

•  The current food system is broken, it is clear that our world and our food supply chain need to shift in order to allow for new opportunities and progress for the future 

Established 2021 Los Angeles